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Poison and Bone Spells

Level Activation: 1
Skill Prerequisite: None
EFFECT: Summons multiple projectiles that damage enemies.
One of the first gifts of Rathma, this skill allows the Necromancer to summon forth the Den’Trag, or teeth of the Dragon Trag’Oul. The Necromancers believe that Trag’Oul is the beast on whose back the world lies. In the balance of all things, it is thought that Trag’Oul is the fulcrum point. He is the closest thing the cult of Rathma has to a deity and this spell is the manner in which he protects his chosen.
Bone Armor
Level Activation: 1
Skill Prerequisite: None
EFFECT: A protective shield that absorbs damage.
This spell summons a barrier created from the bones of fallen warriors. The armor revolves around the Necromancer, protecting him against all attacks. Although enchanted, the armor does take damage and will eventually crumble.
Poison Dagger
Level Activation: 6
Skill Prerequisite: None
EFFECT: Adds poison damage to a dagger.
The apothecary skills of the Necromancer lay fundamentally in the studies of venom’s, toxins and other poisonous substances. Not only can a skilled Necromancer identify the various strains of poison that he might come across, but he also maintains a ready supply of samples. Rarely does he shy from their use. In a common application of this skill, the Necromancer paints his dagger with a thin coat of virulent poison. The greater his ability, the more potent the poison.
Corpse Explosion
Level Activation: 6
Skill Prerequisite: Teeth
EFFECT: The targeted corpse explodes, damaging all nearby enemies.
Every corpse created as a result of a violent death carries with it the anguish of it’s final moments. With this spell the Necromancer is able to call upon those energies and focus them into a single violent force. This force then expels itself from the carcass with such power that it causes a dramatic explosion.
Bone Wall
Level Activation: 12
Skill Prerequisite: Bone Armor
EFFECT: Creates a barrier of bone.
This spell enables the Necromancer to call upon the remnants of the spirits of all the creatures who have ever died in the area. It accumulates their fossilized remains and summons forth from the ground a barrier of dense, fossilized bone. This spell is an effective method for keeping adversaries from reaching the Necromancer, while allowing him to attack from range or make his escape.
Poison Explosion
Level Activation: 18
Skill Prerequisite: Poison Dagger & Corpse Explosion
EFFECT: Releases a cloud of poisonous gas from a corpse.
This spell permits the Necromancer to accelerate the decomposition of a corpse to an alarming degree. So rapidly does the corpse putrefy, that the toxic gases, normally accumulated in dead tissue over time, explode forth from the carcass in a cloud of poisonous vapors.
Bone Spear
Level Activation: 18
Skill Prerequisite: Corpse explosion
EFFECT: Summons a magical missile of bone.
Also known as the Talon of Trag’Oul, this spell summons a long shaft of bone issuing forth from the caster and piercing any opponents in it’s path. Since the force of this projectile is mystical as well as physical it can pass though one opponent and carry on to the next, rending and tearing though whatever is in it’s path.
Bone Prison
Level Activation: 24
Skill Prerequisite: Bone Wall & Bone Spear
EFFECT: Summons a ring of bone to surround a target.
Similar to the Bone Wall, a Necromancer with this skill can summon a spirit wall of bone in the form of an enclosing ring. This prison traps all enemies within it’s circumference. Imprisoned within a cage of bone, the captives are held helpless until they can summon strength to break through it’s skeletal confines or the Necromancer loses his hold over the spirits.
Poison Nova
Level Activation: 30
Skill Prerequisite: Poison Explosion
EFFECT: A ring of poison explodes from the Necromancer.
This spell befouls the atmosphere surrounding the caster. With an arcane chant, the Necromancer corrupts the very air we breathe and causes it to erupt in all directions. It is from years of investigation and preparation that the Necromancer can choose a poisonous gas that is toxic to the minions of evil, yet harmless to himself and his companions.
Bone Spirit
Level Activation: 30
Skill Prerequisite: Bone spear
EFFECT: Spirit tracks down a target, or finds one of his own.
This powerful spell briefly summons the spirit of a vengeful revenant. This Skeletal specter immediately seeks out it’s objective, ripping free a portion of the targets soul and carrying it away to the plane of the dead. This is not a true summoning spell, however, as the Necromancers have not yet determined how to control these wraiths. For now, it is enough that they are able to shield themselves and their companions from the wrath!


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